European Statistical Programme 2013-2017



The eighth consecutive medium term Programme came into force in 2013, covering the period 2013 to 2017. This Programme covers the production and supply of statistical products and services to users, the improvement of the quality of statistics and the further development of the European Statistical System (ESS). The ESS is a partnership between Eurostat and the Member States and EFTA Member States’ national statistical authorities. The EFTA statistical office serves as liaison office between the statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat) and the EFTA national statistical institutes.



  • provide statistical information, in a timely manner, to support the development, monitoring and evaluation of the policies of the Union properly reflecting priorities, while keeping a balance between economic, social and environmental fields and serving the needs of the wide range of users of European statistics, including other decision-makers, researchers, businesses and European citizens in general, in a cost-effective manner without unnecessary duplication of effort,
  • implement new methods of production of European statistics aiming at efficiency gains and quality improvements,
  • strengthen the partnership within the ESS and beyond in order to further enhance its productivity and its leading role in official statistics worldwide, and
  • ensure that delivery of such statistics is kept consistent throughout the whole duration of the Programme, provided that this does not interfere with the priority-setting mechanisms of the ESS.



In order to implement the multi-annual European Statistical Programme, the Commission shall adopt annual work programmes. On the basis of this an EEA annual work programme is developed and approved by the heads of the national statistical institutes and Eurostat.


Total EU budget

 The financial envelope for the period 2013-2017 is EUR 292.1 million


EEA Status

Programme incorporated into Protocol 30 of the EEA Agreement.

Link to the Programme: European Statistical System: Statistical Programmes

Deputy, EFTA Statistical Office
EFTA Statistical Office

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